
2013年6月16日 星期日

你的小朋友當然要跟你一樣時尚!Oliver Goldsmith Mini Icon

#OliverGoldsmith 為了讓小朋友從小就能跟爸爸媽媽一樣有著絕佳的時尚品味以及時尚態度,
他們專門為小小時尚人將他們最棒的 #ICON 系列,
最受歡迎的款式依照4~14歲兒童的頭部尺寸及比例重新制作了專屬 #MiniIcon 系列!

Oliver Goldsmith為了小朋友尚在發育的眼鏡特別選用了德國蔡司的兒童鏡片,呵護孩子珍貴的眼睛。
當妳帶著奧黛麗赫本的複刻墨鏡 #Manhatten 優雅的坐在陽傘下時,
你的小公主戴著同款的MINI Manhatten坐在你身邊。
或是你的小王子戴著Mini Lord在你身邊圍繞!

It is refreshing to see that, at last, children are being catered for at the better end of the eyewear quality spectrum. Oliver Goldsmith joins last month's Sons + Daughters in providing high-end shades for the little guys.

Oliver Goldsmith's Mini Icons collection comprises exact replicas of some of OG’s most iconic styles, such as the Manhatten( Worn by Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's") and Sophia (named after Sofia Loren),  but made smaller for the style-savvy adolescents, 4-14 year olds. Hover over images for frame names and the year the grown-up versions were originally made.

