自十年前從一間育幼院這個小小的起點開始, 總部設在柏林的MYKITA已經迅速的將自己推向眼鏡界高點!
眾多的高級時尚品牌以及名人們都是MYKITA的擁護者!MYKITA裝飾了無數名人臉:像是Angelina Jolie,Brad Pitt ,Tom Cruise,Lady Gaga, the Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce等等。2003年四個朋友一起創立時還是只有款金屬框的小品牌。今天發展成在全球63個國家販售,並在柏林,巴黎,東京,維也納,紐約等等時尚重鎮都設有專賣店。
雖然品牌已經行銷國際,到現在每一副鏡框仍然是 最出位於柏林的MYKITA HAUS設計以及製作出來的。
創辦人說口耳相傳佔了公司的成功的很大部份!這幾年MYKITA跟像 Bernhard Willhelm以及Damir Doma等前衛設計師合作推出聯名款式。最近甚至與法國高級冬季運動品牌Moncler合作推出一系列商品。讓MYKITA
創辦人說口耳相傳佔了公司的成功的很大部份!這幾年MYKITA跟像 Bernhard Willhelm以及Damir Doma等前衛設計師合作推出聯名款式。最近甚至與法國高級冬季運動品牌Moncler合作推出一系列商品。讓MYKITA
SINCE ITS HUMBLE BEGINNINGS 10 years ago within the confines of a former nursery, Berlin-based glasses label Mykita has unabashedly pushed the boundaries in eyewear, securing its status as a high fashion brand with a loyal celebrity following. Their frames have graced the faces of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, and have been worn on stage by Lady Gaga, the Black Eyed Peas and Lenny Kravitz.
Founded by four friends in 2003, the label started with just a small collection of metal frames. Today, the company produces a full range of optical wear and sunglasses that sells in 63 countries, with stores in Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Zurich, Tokyo and Monterrey, Mexico.
While the brand has outgrown its nursery surroundings, production remains as holistic as ever. Every pair of glasses is still designed and produced in the latest Mykita Haus in a quiet residential area of Berlin's Mitte district and much of the company's success is based on word-of-mouth, its founders say. Collaborations in recent years with avant-garde designers such as Bernhard Willhelm and Damir Doma, as well as a more recent partnership with luxury French winter sportswear label Moncler, have helped to cement the label's reputation in the fashion world.
"The connoisseur recognizes a pair of Mykita glasses by the technology," says Mr. Krüger. This includes a patented hinge concept that makes screws and soldering obsolete, and the company's own polyamide-based material, called Mylon, which makes frames lighter and more durable. "We meet a modern demand of consumers who are taking a closer look at quality and how and where things are made."
Sarah Jessica Parker曾在慾望城市的電影裡戴上這支魅力無窮的金色水銀鏡面墨鏡。
自此這個款式就成為了MYKITA的正式發售款。Franz也是MYKITA與德國設計師Bernhard Willhelm合作的聯名款中的第一支墨鏡。
自此這個款式就成為了MYKITA的正式發售款。Franz也是MYKITA與德國設計師Bernhard Willhelm合作的聯名款中的第一支墨鏡。
2013 春夏新系列最新款,以兼具輕量、柔韌與科技的Mylon材質打造,靈感來自運動元素與充滿未來主義感的色調,
並以實用性和不落時尚趨勢爲主要訴求。Basky 承襲 30 年代頗受歡迎的款式,加上摩登的配色點綴重現。
並以實用性和不落時尚趨勢爲主要訴求。Basky 承襲 30 年代頗受歡迎的款式,加上摩登的配色點綴重現。
Damir Doma DD01
MYKITA以及Damir Doma已經一起合作推出聯名款三年了,DD01是一個經典而有著完美線條的圓框。
這個聯名系列更推出了不鏽鋼以及牛角的特殊異材質組合。兩個同是德國出身的品牌每一季都會推出與Damir Doma的時尚秀的新款服飾相映的新款式。
這個聯名系列更推出了不鏽鋼以及牛角的特殊異材質組合。兩個同是德國出身的品牌每一季都會推出與Damir Doma的時尚秀的新款服飾相映的新款式。
摘譯自The Wallstreet Journal By Visualtech optical